Publication (Theme 3)
Randolph C, Hilsabeck R, Kato A, Kharbanda P, Li Y, Mapelli D, Ravdin L, Romero-Gomez Strracciari A, Weissenborn K: Neuropsychological assessment of hepatic encephalopathy: ISHEN guidelines. Liver International 29(5):629-635, 2009
Berding G, Banari R, Buchert R, Chierichem F, Grover V, Kato A, Keiding S, Taylor-Robinson S: Radiotracer imaging studies in hepatic encephalopathy: ISHEN practice guidelines. Liver International 29(5):621-628, 2009
Inoue H, Yamauchi K, Kobayashi H, Shikanai T, Nakamura Y, Satoh J, Kohno N, Mishima M, Sasaki H, Hildebrandt J: A new breathholding test may noninvasively reveal early lung abnormalities caused by smoking and/or obesity. Chest 136(2):545-553, 2009
Kawai H, Tanji T, Shiraishi H, Yamada M, Iijima R, Inoue T, Kezuka Y, Ohashi K, Yoshida Y, Tohyama K, Gengyo-Ando K, Mitani S, Arai H, Ohashi-Kobayashi A, Maeda M: Normal formation of a subset of intestinal granules in Caenorhabditis elegans requires ATP-binding cassette transporters HAF-4 & HAF-9, highly homologous to human lysosomal peptide transpoter TAP-like. Mol Biol Cell 20(12):2979, 2009
Kizawa T, Nakamura Y, Takahashi S, Sakurai S, Yamauchi K, Inoue H: Pathogenic role of angiotensin II and oxidized LDL in obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J 34(6)1390-1398, 2009
Satoh T, Harada N, Hosoya T, Tohyama K, Yamamoto M, Itoh K: Keap1/Nrf2 system regulates neuronal survival as revealed through study of keap1 gene-knockout mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 380(2):298, 2009
Tha KK, Terae S, Kudo K, Miyasaka K: Differential diagnosis of hyperintense cerebrospinal fluid on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images of the brain. Part II: non-pathological conditions. Br J Radiol 82:610-614, 2009
Tha KK, Terae S, Kudo K, Miyasaka K: Differential diagnosis of hyperintense cerebrospinal fluid on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images of the brain. Part I: pathological conditions. Br J Radiol 82:426-434, 2009
Kondo Y, Tachikawa E, Ohtake S, Kudo K, Mizuma K, Kashimoto T, Irie Y, Taira E : Inflammatory cytokines decrease the expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during the cell maturation. Mol Cell Biochem 333(1-2):57-64, 2010
Goto M, Shimada K, Sato A, Takahashi E, Fukazawa T, Takahashi T, Ohka S, Taniguchi T, Honda E, Nomoto A, Ogura A, Kirikae T, Hanaki K: Rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mouse feces by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. J Microbiol Methods 81(3):247-52, 2010
Nakamura Y, Nagashima H, Akiyama M, Sato A, Miyamoto T, Sasaki N, Nitanai H, Kowata K, Nakadate T, Kobayashi H, Uesugi N, Sugai T, Kakiuchi T, Inoue H, Yamauchi K: Novel ribbon-type nuclear factor of activated T cells decoy oligodeoxynucleotides preclude airways hyperreactivity and Th2 cytokine expression in experimental asthma. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 22(155):129-140, 2010
Goto M, Shimada K, Sato A, Takahashi E, Fukasawa T, Takahashi T, Ohka S, Taniguchi T, Honda E, Nomoto A, Ogura A, Kirikae T, Hanaki K: Rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mouse feces by colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification. J Microbiol Methods 81(3):247-252, 2010
Kamishina H, Ogawa H, Katayama M, Yasuda J, Sato R , Tohyama K: Spontaneous regression of a cervical intraspinal cyst in a dog. J Vet Sci 72(3):349, 2010
Minagawa H, Watanabe A, Akatsu H, Adachi K, Ohtsuka C, Terayama Y, Hosono T, Takahashi S, Wakita H, Jung CG, Komano H, Michikawa M: Homocysteine, another risk factor for Alzheimer disease, impairs apolipoprotein E3 function. J Biol Chem 28:38382, 2010
Nishikawa Y, Kobayashi K, Oshima H, Fukaya C, Yamamoto T, Katayama Y, Ogawa A, Ogasawara K: Direct relief of levodopa-induced dyskinesia by stimulation in the area above the subthalamic nucleus in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50(3):257-259, 2010
Sasaki M, Shibata E, Ohtsuka K, Endoh J, Kudo K, Narumi S, Sakai A: Visual discrimination among patients with depression and schizophrenia and healthy individuals using semiquantitative color-coded fast spin-echo T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroradiology 52(2):83-89, 2010
Shokouhi BN, Wong BZ, Siddiqui S, Lieberman AR, Campbell G, Tohyama K, Anderson PN: Microglial responses around intrinsic CNS neurons are correlated with axonal regeneration. BMC Neurosci 11:13, 2010
Tha KK, Terae S, Yabe I, Miyamoto T, Soma H, Zaitsu Y, Fujima N, Kudo K, Sasaki H, Shirato H: Microstructural white matter abnormalities of multiple system atrophy: in vivo topographic illustration by using diffusion-tensor MR imaging. Radiology 255:563-569, 2010
Watanabe S, Endo S, Oshima E, Hoshi T, Higashi H, Yamada K, Tohyama K, Yamashita T, Hirabayashi Y: Glycosphingolipid synthesis in cerebellar Purkinje neurons: roles in myelin formation and axonal homeostasis. Glia 58(10):1197, 2010
Yamashita F, Sasaki M, Takahashi S, Matsuda H, Kudo K, Narumi S, Terayama Y, Asada T: Detection of changes in cerebrospinal fluid space in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus using voxel-based morphometry. Neuroradiology 52(5):381-386, 2010
Yamauchi K, Sasaki N, Niisato M, Kamataki A, Shikanai T, Nakamura Y, Kobayashi H, Suwabe A, Kanno H, Sawai T, Inoue H: Analysis of pulmonary allergic vasculitis with eosinophil infiltration in asthma model of mice. Exp Lung Res. 36(4):227-36, 2010
Kun Zou, Shuyu Liu, Junjun Liu, Chiaki Tanabe, Tomoji Maeda, Yasuo Terayama, Sato Shi Takahashi, Hiroto Komano : Differential Appearance of Serum Aβ43 and Aβ42 in the Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease . Translational Medicine 1:103, 2011
Fujiwara S, Sasaki M, Wada T, Kudo K, Hirooka R, Ishigaki D, Nishikawa Y, Ono A, Yamaguchi M, Ogasawara K: High-resolution diffusion tensor imaging for the detection of diffusion abnormalities in the trigeminal nerves of patients with trigeminal neuralgia caused by neurovascular compression. J Neuroimaging 21(2):102-108, 2011
Hanaki K, Sekiguchi J, Shimada K, Sato A, Watari H, Kojima T, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Kirikae T: Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for identification of antiseptic- and methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Microbiol Methods 84(2):251-4, 2011
Uwano I, Sasaki M, Kudo K, Fujiwara S, Yamaguchi M, Saito A, Ogasawara K, Ogawa A: Diffusion anisotropy color-coded map of cerebral white matter: quantitative comparison between orthogonal anisotropic diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. J Neuroimaging 23(2):197-201, 2012,
Sekimura K, Ito H, Nakamura Y, Kobayashi H, Oikawa H, Ehara S, Yamauchi K: Analysis of small-sized airway wall thickness in smokers and patients with bronchial asthma by multislice helical CT. Jap J Clin Physiol (in press), 2011
Fukuoka H, Sasaki J, Kamishina H, Sato R, Yasuda J, Katayama M, Tohyama K, Ohshida M, Goryo M: Gliomatosis Cerebelli in a Saint Bernard Dog. J Comp Pathol 147(1):37-41, 2012
Fujita K, Harada M, Sasaki M, Yuasa T, Sakai K, Hamaguchi T, Sanjo N, Shiga Y, Satoh K, Atarashi R, Shirabe S, Nagata K, Maeda T, Murayama S, Izumi Y, Kaji R, Yamada M, Mizusawa H: Multicentre, multiobserver study of diffusion-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MRI for the diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a reliability and agreement study. BMJ Open 2(1):e000649, 2012
Nagata K, Yokoyama E, Yamazaki T, Takano D, Maeda T, Takahashi S, Terayama Y: Effects of yokukansan on behavioral and psychological symptoms of vascular dementia: An open-label trial. Phytomedicine 19(6):524-528, 2012
Goto M, Abe O, Miyati T, Kabasawa H, Takao H, Hayashi N, Kurosu T, Iwatsubo T, Yamashita F, Matsuda H, Mori H, Kunimatsu A, Aoki S, Ino K, Yano K, Ohtomo K: Influence of signal intensity non-uniformity on brain volumetry using an atlas-based method. Korean J Radiol 13(4):391-402, 2012
Hidaka S, Ikejima C, Kodama C, Nose M, Yamashita F, Sasaki M, Kinoshita T, Tanimukai S, Mizukami K, Takahashi H, Kakuma T, Tanaka S, Asada T: Prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms among older Japanese people: comorbidity of mild cognitive impairment and depression. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 27(3):271-279, 2012
Matsuda H, Mizumura S, Nemoto K, Yamashita F, Imabayashi E, Sato N, Asada T: Automatic voxel-based morphometry of structural MRI by SPM8 plus diffeomorphic anatomic registration through exponentiated lie algebra improves the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer Disease. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 33(6):1109-1114, 2012
Nagafusa Y, Okamoto N, Sakamoto K, Yamashita F, Kawaguchi A, Higuchi T, Matsuda H: Assessment of cerebral blood flow findings using 99mTc-ECD single-photon emission computed tomography in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder. J Affect Disord 140(3):296-299, 2012
Yasuno F, Tanimukai S, Sasaki M, Hidaka S, Ikejima C, Yamashita F, Kodama C, Mizukami K, Michikawa M, Asada T: Association between cognitive function and plasma lipids of the elderly after controlling for apolipoprotein E genotype. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 20(7):574-583, 2012
Yasuno F, Tanimukai S, Sasaki M, Ikejima C, Yamashita F, Kodama C, Hidaka S, Mizukami K, Asada T: Effect of plasma lipids, hypertension and APOE genotype on cognitive decline. Neurobiol Aging 33(11):2633-2640, 2012
Yasuno F, Tanimukai S, Sasaki M, Ikejima C, Yamashita F, Kodama C, Mizukami K, Asada T: Combination of Antioxidant Supplements Improved Cognitive Function in the Elderly. J Alzheimers Dis 32(4):895-903, 2012
Goto M, Abe O, Kabasawa H, Takao H, Miyati T, Hayashi N, Kurosu T, Iwatsubo T, Yamashita F, Matsuda H, Inano S, Mori H, Kunimatsu A, Aoki S, Ino K, Yano K, Ohtomo K: Effects of image distortion correction on voxel-based morphometry. Magn Reson Med Sci 11(1):27-34, 2012
Yamashita F, Sasaki M, Saito M, Mori E, Kawaguchi A, Kudo K, Natori T, Uwano I, Ito K, SaIto K: Voxel-based morphometry of disproportionate cerebrospinal fluid space distribution for the differential diagnosis of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. J Neuroimaging (in press), 2013
Beppu T, Terasaki K, Sasaki T, Fujiwara S, Matsuura H, Ogasawara K, Sera K, Yamada N, Uesugi N, Sugai T, Kudo K, Sasaki M, Ehara S, Iwata R, Takai Y: Standardized uptake value in high uptake area on positron emission tomography with 18F-FRP170 as a hypoxic cell tracer correlates with intratumoral oxygen pressure in glioblastoma. . Mol Imag & Biol (in press), 2013
Yamamoto D, Kazui H, Wada T, Nomura K, Sugiyama H, Shimizu Y, Yoshiyama K, Yoshida T, Kishima H, Yamashita F, Yoshimine T, Takeda M: Association between Milder Brain Deformation before a Shunt Operation and Improvement in Cognition and Gait in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 35(3-4):197-207, 2013
Young K, Psachoulia K, Tripathi1R, Dunn S-J, Cossell L, Attwell D, Tohyama K, Richardson W: Oligodendrocyte dynamics in the healthy adult CNS:evidence for myelin remodelling. Neuron 77(5):873-885, 2013
Hanaki K, Ike F, Hatakeyama R, Hirano N: Reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of rodent coronaviruses. J Virol Methods 187(2):222-227, 2013
Sawai T, Kamataki A, Uzuki M, Ishida K, Hanasaka T, Ochi K, Hashimoto T, Kubo T, Morikawa A, Takahiro O, Tohyama K: Serial block−face scanning electron microscopy combined with double−axis electron beam tomography provides new insight into cellular relationships. J Electron Microsc 62(2):317-320, 2013
Li YC, Bai WZ, Hirano N, Hayashida T, Taniguchi T, Sugita Y, Tohyama K, Hashikawa T: Neurotropic virus tracing suggested a membranous-coating mediated mechanism for the trans-synaptic communication. J Comp Neurol 521(1):203-212, 2013
Di Dio C, Di Cesare G, Higuchi S, Roberts N, Vogt S, Rizzolatti G: The neural correlates of velocity processing during the observation of a biological effector in the parietal and premotor cortex. NeuroImage 64:425-436, 2013
Wada T, Kazui H, Yamamoto D, Nomura K, Sugiyama H, Shimizu Y, Yoshida T, Yoshiyama K, Yamashita F, Kishima H, Yoshimine T, Takeda M: Reversibility of brain morphology after shunt operations and preoperative clinical symptoms in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Psychogeriatrics 13(1):41-48, 2013
Ohtsuka C, Sasaki M, Konno K, Koide M, Kato K, Takahashi J, Takahashi S, Kudo K, Yamashita F, Terayama Y: Changes in substantia nigra and locus coeruleus in patients with early-stage Parkinson’s disease using neuromelanin-sensitive MR imaging. Neurosci Lett 541:93-98, 2013
Goto M, Abe O, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Miyati T, Takao H, Iwatsubo T, Yamashita F, Matsuda H, Mori H, Kunimatsu A, Ino K, Yano K, Ohtomo K; Japanese Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie Algebra provides reduced effect of scanner for cortex volumetry with atlas-based method in healthy subjects. Neuroradiology 55(7):869-875, 2013
Maikusa N, Yamashita F, Tanaka K, Abe O, Kawaguchi A, Kabasawa H, Chiba S, Kasahara A, Kobayashi N, Yuasa T, Sato N, Matsuda H, Iwatsubo T; Japanese Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Improved volumetric measurement of brain structure with a distortion correction procedure using an ADNI phantom. Med Phys 40(6):062303, 2013
Ogisu K, Kudo K, Sasaki M, Sakushima K, Yabe I, Sasaki H, Terae S, Nakanishi M, Shirato H: 3D neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging with semi-automated volume measurement of the substantia nigra pars compacta for diagnosis of parkinson’s disease. Neuroradiology 55(6):719-724, 2013